Lead Product Designer

3d-modeling Sailor Moon

April 20, 2020

Sailor Moon Prism Makeup 3d model

Today I wanted to practice my 3d modeling skills. I used Fusion 360, as it was the only program I had access to. I had used it before to create a custom indexing mechanism for another project with swiveling panels and while it didn’t have the most straightforward workflow, I was more familiar with it than Cinema4D which I had also used before.

I was recently rewatching Sailor Moon as it was a huge part of my childhood, so I decided to recreate the Moon Prism Makeup based off of this image.

The design is fairly simple, but through the process of making it, I familiarized myself with the various features of the program and understood a bit better the workflow and limitations. I’ve attached below the making process and final result videos.
